

Should I wear a mask to protect myself?

Should I wear a mask to protect myself?

Masks are key to preventing transmission and saving lives.

Do it all! 

- Use a mask

- Practice physical distancing

- Avoid crowded settings

- Clean your hands

- Cover sneezes and coughs

- Ensure good ventilation

Stay informed and follow the advice of your public health authorities and healthcare provider.

Who should wear a fabric mask?

Members of the general public should use a fabric mask if there is widespread community transmission, and you can't maintain a distance of 1-metre.

Do not wear a mask while doing vigorous physical exercise.

Don’t use masks with valves.

Who should wear a medical mask?

- Health workers at work

- Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms

- Anyone waiting for a COVID-19 test

- Anyone who has COVID-19

- People caring for those with COVID-19 symptoms

Also wear a medical mask if there  is widespread transmission in your area and you can't maintain a distance of 1 meter and you:

- are 60 or over

- have underlying health conditions

How to wear a mask?

-  Clean your hands before you put your mask on or take it off

- Cover your nose, mouth, and chin.

-  Wash a fabric mask daily.

- Throw away a medical mask after use.

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