


    The revelation gifts are so called because they reveal something. The most important of all the revelation gifts is the gift of the word of wisdom. All three revelation gifts may manifest together. They flow one into another and the purpose for dividing them is to study the peculiarities of each gift.


The Word of Wisdom

   The word of wisdom is a revelation of the mind of God pertaining to things in the future. A word is a part of a sentence. A word of wisdom is a part of the total knowledge of God concerning the future. God does not reveal everything to His vessels. He only reveals whatever is required for ministry purposes. Gehazi knew that Elisha did not know everything all the time. When he lied to Naaman, he was hoping that it would be one of those times when Elisha did not operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit (2 Kgs. 5:20-27). Elisha admitted that the Lord has not revealed what has happened to the widow’s son (2 Kgs. 4:27).

    When Agabus the prophet operated in the word of wisdom, he revealed that there was going to be a famine (Acts 11:28). There was an ‘anointing upon’ when he operated the word of wisdom. Agabus prophesied by the Holy Spirit, not by his human spirit, that there was going to be a famine. It was the voice of the Holy Spirit he heard and not merely the voice of the human spirit. In prophesying about Paul’s imprisonment, Agabus used the phrase ‘thus says the Holy Spirit (Acts 21:11). The word of wisdom is a revelation imparted through hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.


   The voice of the human spirit speaking to us concerning things of the future is not an operation of the word of wisdom but it is an operation of spiritual wisdom. It is an operation of the anointing within rather than the anointing upon. Paul received a revelation with his human spirit that there was going to be disaster if the ship which he was on set sail (Acts 27:10). He did not use a ‘thus says the Lord’ but rather said that he perceived. We should not use a ‘thus says the Lord’ loosely.


   In his writings, Paul understood the difference between revelations received via the voice of the Holy Spirit and revelations via the human spirit. Whenever an instruction was from the Holy Spirit, he said that it was the Lord who commanded it (1 Cor. 7:10). Whenever an instruction was from his own perception through his human spirit, he said that it was him who was giving the advice (1 Cor. 7:12). In a general sense, all the work of the Holy Spirit is through our human spirits (Rom. 1:9). However, the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit ministering through us while the guidance we receive from the human spirit is the Holy Spirit ministering to us.


Spiritual Wisdom

   The word of wisdom is an instantaneous impartation of revelation whereas spiritual wisdom is a result of growth. As we spend time in the Word of God, we can grow in spiritual wisdom. The Word of God is able to make us wise (2 Tim. 3:16). We can also pray for wisdom (Jam. 1:5). The Spirit of wisdom can be received through prayer and through the laying on of hands (Eph. 1:17; Deut. 34:9). Spiritual wisdom increases as the human spirit develops and grows in the Lord. There is a clear distinction between spiritual wisdom and the word of wisdom.


    In Joseph’s time, the Pharaoh of Egypt had a dream. The dream was a word of wisdom concerning a coming famine but nobody could interpret it except for Joseph (Gen. 41:1-28). After Joseph interpreted the dream, he advised Pharaoh to collect the excess grain during the years of plenty (Gen. 41:33-37). Joseph operated spiritual wisdom when he gave advice to Pharaoh. Spiritual wisdom is necessary for the successful application of God’s commandments and also in dealing with the affairs of this life. 

Sometimes we may receive a word of wisdom which we do not understand fully. The prophets in the Old Testament spoke about the coming of the Messiah without understanding much of what they spoke (1 Pet. 1:10-12). The disciples at Tyre sensed that there was impending danger for Paul in Jerusalem and try to persuade Paul not to go (Acts 21:4). What they sensed was correct but what they deduced was wrong. It was the Will of God that he go to Jerusalem (Acts 20:22). Jesus even appeared after his imprisonment to encourage him that he must from there testify in Jerusalem and in Rome (Acts 23:11).


   After Agabus gave the prophecy concerning Paul’s imprisonment, the disciples with Paul tried to persuade him not to go to Jerusalem (Acts 21:12). The word of wisdom was from the Lord but the interpretation was wrong. God did not prevent Paul from going to Jerusalem. He told Paul what to expect in Jerusalem. The word of wisdom was given to confirm and encourage Paul that when imprisonments take place, he was still in God’s perfect Will. We need spiritual wisdom to apply the word of wisdom.


 The Word of Knowledge

    The word of knowledge is a revelation of the mind of God pertaining to things past and present. It is an instantaneous impartation of the knowledge of God. As in the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge is only a fraction of the knowledge of God and not all or total knowledge. Only God alone can know all things. We can only know what God permits us to know.


   Peter received a word of knowledge about what Ananias and Sapphira had done (Acts 5:1-11). There was no natural way by which Peter could have access to such knowledge. He received it supernaturally by the Holy Spirit. Elisha through the word of knowledge knew everything the king of Syria discussed in his bedroom (2 Kgs. 6:8-12). 


   Jesus operated through the word of knowledge extensively in his ministry. He took a look at Peter and called him by his name as well as gave him a new name (Jn. 1:42). He knew by the word of knowledge that the woman at the well had had five husbands and the one whom she lived with was not her husband (Jn. 4:18). He knew all men (Jn. 2:24). The thoughts of many hearts were revealed to Him (Lk. 2:35;5:22;6:8;9:47).


Spiritual Knowledge

   The word of knowledge is not the same as spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge is acquired through growing spiritually whereas the word of knowledge is given as a gift instantaneously. We increase in spiritual knowledge through the exceedingly great and precious promises given to us (2 Pet. 1:2-4). Spiritual knowledge increases in proportion to the development of our spirit man. 


   Sometimes through spiritual knowledge, we can perceive some things. This is not the operation of the word of knowledge but rather the operation of spiritual knowledge. It is the voice of our human spirit and not the voice of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual knowledge operates through the anointing within whereas the word of knowledge operates through the anointing upon. 


   We can know things by our human spirit. Those things that we know by the human spirit should never be given with a ‘thus says the Lord.’ We should rather learn to say ‘I perceive.’ Peter through his experience and spiritual knowledge said that he perceived the spiritual condition of Simon the magician (Acts 8:21-23). He perceived that Simon was poisoned by bitterness and poisoned by iniquity.

   Many Christians do not differentiate the distinctions between the word of knowledge and spiritual knowledge. They end up in both doctrinal error and wrong practices. Every inner impression and perception is given as a word of knowledge with a ‘thus says the Lord.’ When subsequent events prove them wrong, they bring reproach to the precious Name of Christ.


   Christians should learn the difference between the voice of the human spirit and the voice of the Holy Spirit. They should also learn the difference between the anointing within and the anointing upon. Without a spiritual development to differentiate between the two, there will be many inaccuracies in the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


 Discerning of Spirits

   The gift of discerning of spirits is not just the ability to see demons. Discerning of spirits is the supernatural ability imparted by the Holy Spirit to see into the spiritual world. It is the ability to see spirits whether they be angels, God or demons. Anyone who claims this gift and only sees demons under every chair is more operating under a spirit of suspicion and fear rather than of the Holy Spirit.


   There are three main operations of discerning of spirits: close vision, open vision and spiritual vision. These are the three types of visions that are received when this gift operates. All the three types of visions can come in three categories: the allegorical vision, the message vision and the plain vision.


 The Three Types of Vision

   The close vision is where a person receives the gifts of discerning of spirits in a trance-like state. The physical senses of the person are temporarily suspended. Only the spiritual senses of the person are alert. The person is totally unaware of what is taking place in the physical realm. When the apostle Paul was in this type of vision, he was not sure whether he was in the body or in the spirit (2 Cor. 12:2). Peter was in a trance when he received a close vision concerning the Gentiles (Acts 10:10-16). Dreams are a type of close vision because the physical senses of the body are suspended.


   In the open vision, the spiritual realm is opened to the person while the person is fully conscious of the physical realm. The person sees both the spiritual realm and the physical realm simultaneously. Zacharias through an open vision saw an angel of God standing on the right side of the incense altar (Lk. 1:11). Peter through an open vision saw an angel of God who led him out of the prison (Acts 12:6-11).

   The spiritual vision is the lowest type of vision but the highest type of revelation. It is the lowest type of vision because it is more like a mental vision. Precisely, it is seeing with the inner eyes of the spirit man. It is the highest type of revelation because it takes a greater faith to obey a spiritual vision than to obey a close vision or an open vision.


   Paul saw a spiritual vision of Ananias coming to lay hands on him while he was still conscious of the physical realm and of his inability to physically see (Acts 9:11, 12). This type of vision is usually seen with the eyes closed. With spiritual training and development, a person can receive it with his physical eyes open. It is sometimes what people called a ‘mini vision’ or a ‘flash vision.’ The mental image flashes as quick as lightning on the screen of the imagination. 


 The Three Categories of Visions

   The first category of visions is the allegorical vision. In this type of vision, all that is seen in the vision is symbolic. It is like a parable and it needs interpretation. Daniel saw visions of beasts and animals which represent various countries (Dan. 7:4-7; 8:4-8). Peter saw a vision of unclean animals that represented the Gentiles (Acts 10:11, 12). It is this category of vision that is the most difficult to interpret. The interpretation of this type of vision must be also given by the Holy Spirit.


   One of the cardinal laws of interpreting this vision is that all the symbolism in the vision must be in line with the Word of God. For example, if a snake or a dog represents something evil in the Bible, any symbolic snake or dog in the allegorical vision must be interpreted as representing evil. It is important, when we have received this category of vision, to learn to wait on God for the right interpretation.


   The second category of visions is the message vision. This particular vision seeks to impart a key message. It is not allegorical because it is not symbolic. Neither is it a plain vision because events will not be fulfilled precisely as seen in the vision. Paul had a message vision when he was waiting in Troas. He saw a Macedonian man calling him to come over and help them (Acts 16:9).


   Paul understood that it was not a plain vision because when he reached Macedonia, he did not look for the man he saw in the vision. Instead, his first ministry in Macedonia was to the ladies (Acts 16:13). The message vision carries only one prime message to the recipient. The key message that Paul received from his Macedonian vision was that God wanted him to go to Macedonia.


   The third category of visions is the plain vision. In this vision, all things - persons, events, environments - must come to pass exactly as seen in the vision. Even the clothing of the people we see in such visions must be exact. Unlike the other two categories of visions, the plain vision does not need any interpretation. It will be fulfilled precisely as seen in the vision. Paul saw a plain vision of Ananias coming in to lay hands on him (Acts 9:12).


Spiritual Discernment


       Many people confused the gift of discerning of spirits with spiritual discernment. The gift of discerning of spirits is a gift of the Holy Spirit which operates only when the anointing upon is manifested. Spiritual discernment is the consequent development of the human spirit brought about gradually by spiritual growth. Spiritual discernment is a development of the anointing within.


As we grow spiritually, we should have our spiritual senses trained to discern between good and evil (Heb. 5:14). Paul prayed that the love of the Philippians would grow in discernment (Phil. 1:9). The anointing within us will help us in spiritual discernment (1 Jn. 2:27). It is a necessary part of the Christian life to discern right from wrong. The ability to discern is developed through prayer and meditation on the Word of God.

 Artical from : © Copyright 2008 Peter Tan Evangelism.

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